How to get pregnant naturally -fastly
Every mother have dream to get pregnant in her married life and make a beautiful and enjoy married life but In some cases mother are not get pregnant due to some problem and this type of problem are affect the women physically and as well as mentally then I give u 10tips to get pregnant naturally and fastly
7 tips to get pregnant naturally and fastly
1/Record a menstrual cycle-It is the main important factor in conceiving a pregnancy the whole pregnancy are depend upon the menstrual cycle !when the ovum are released from the ovary and and the ovum survive 12 to 24 hour in our body this time the ovum are released from the ovary this is called a ovulation period period it is main factor to conceiving a pregnancy because in this time much more chances to conceive after pregnancy
1/if you have a regular period, record it 14th day is your ovulation day then we can do intercourse with your partner 3 days daily because in this time the ovum are released from ovary
2/record you are temperature daily because when the ovulation day the temperature is much high then other day
3/if you have a irregular period then sometime problem are occur to identify a ovalution day then you are recorded the menstrual cycle in 3month exact found out the day and in this time you do intercourse with your partner 5days daily in between the 14th day after period
2/Age -The age is most important factor in pregnancy because the after 30years the fertility chance are decrease then if the woman get planned to pregnancy go to the gynecologist and follow up the doctor
3/overweight and underweight_If the woman are overweighted and underweight then the hormones are fluctuate in the body and it cause the problem in conceiving a pregnancy then the best way to reduce weight if you are overweight and in the same case if the women are underweight then also fertility chance decrease then the women take a healthy and fatty diet to increase weight to improve fertility chances
if the your partner are overweight it also problem in pregnancy because if he has overweight then the sperm capacity is decrease and sperm count is also decrease then the both partner should maintain weight
Stay all night in bed -after doing the intercourse the woman stay in all night in the bed because it is increase to chance of conceiving pregnancy in which the sperm a easily arrival to the ovum due to force than it easy method to get pregnant
5/avoid heavy lifting weight-some women who lifting the heavy weight then those women have decrease the chances of pregnancy due to the hormonal changes if you get pregnant then avoid to lifting a heavy weight
6/psychological freedom - If the woman are stressed it can cause the chances to decrease fertility power because mental stability affect the hormone of women then it cause to irregular period or no period then if you trying to conceiving pregnancy then you can feel relax or stress free
7/Doctor follow up -If you are trying to conceiving pregnancy for long time but you are not pregnant then check up the gynecologist and follow up ,sometime the menstrual diesese occur like a PCOD that's why the why the women are not pregnant PCOD(polycystic ovarian syndrome)In this diesese the irregular periods or no periods and cyst are present in ovary then in this types of diseases the pregnancy are not concevied then the doctor follow up is much more in this types of diseases
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