Warning sign during pregnancy /pregnancy complications
Every mother feel symptoms when she got pregnant !but some of the signs are normal and some of the signs are dangerous for mother health as well as fetal health! But the mother are not differentiate which symptom are normal and which are dangerous then I tell u some sign and symptoms that are dangerous and required urgent care
6 warning sign during pregnancy
3/severe nausea vomiting
4/baby movement declined or absent
5/water likage
6/severe abdominal pain
1/bleeding _In whole pregnancy the bleeding is not a normal sign it is always a dangerous sign and if bleeding is severe it cause the miscarriage then if the bleeding is occur call your doctor and tell your doctor about your condition
If the contrast bleeding is occur with the severe abodominal pain and you feel like a fainting then it is symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy-It is a pregnancy when the fetus are not grow in the uterus it means the fertilized egg are implant outside the uterus it is dangerous and it is life threatening condition
2/preclamacia_It is a condition in which the high blood pressure is during the pregnancy that is called preeclampsia and it comes in second trimester means 20th weeks of pregnancy
Symptoms of preeclampsia
1/high blood pressure
2/protein in urine
4/breathing problem
5/blurred vision
If you are see this types of symptoms call your doctor and follow up the doctor
3/severe nausea and vomiting_the nausea and vomiting are normal sign in pregnancy but if it is severe then it is dangerous sign for pregnancy and it is much severe in third trimester because if you are hydrate and nothing to eat then it affect the fetal health then this condition are dangerous tell your doctor and urgent subsided this symptoms
4/Baby movement declined or absent _In the third trimester the baby movement and kick of your baby are much useful symptoms for safe pregnancy the 10kick in per 2hour is good sign of pregnancy but if the baby movement is declined or absent then it is very Serious symptom and it is not a ignorable symptom then call your doctor and urgent goes to hospital to monitor the fetal heart beat ,fetal movement and fetal position
5/water likage_In third trimester is the last trimester of pregnancy and it started from 24weeks of pregnancy but if you feel the water likage then go to washroom and empty your bladder then differentiating the urine and water likage (membrane rupture) if it water likage it is symptom of preterm labor then it urgent need of care it is life-threatening condition for mother and fetal both
6/severe abdominal pain _the abdominal pain in third trimester of pregnancy is sometimes normal when it is due to urine tract infection or acidity or false labour pain (it is called Braxton Hicks contractions) false labour pain it is
Not severe and it's intensity is not increased! if the abodominal pain is severe and the pain intensity is increase ! It is show the symptom of true labour pain and it is serious in which call your doctor and prepare for delivery
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